Welcome to
Your Life Matters
Hello my name is Kerri.
I am a Registered member of the Australian Counselling Association.
My mission is to help women get unstuck from previous negative experiences and live the life that they deserve and desire. While providing a safe space to explore any concerns you may have.
I have a client centered, empathetic and caring approach, which allows you to feel comfortable and safe, while exploring core issues and allowing deep inner transformation to take place. You can relax, unwind and be yourself. As a result, no topic is censored or judged, and all sessions are handled with the utmost care, respect and confidentiality.
In my practice, I help women who may have recently suffered a relationship breakdown and are in the process of rebuilding. Recovering from a breakup with a partner or spouse, they're unsure of how to move forward. Grief and loss may be evident as a result of this. These include women who are struggling to move on from a toxic or abusive relationship, as well as those who have experienced domestic violence or have been the victim of a narcissistic abuse.
Quite a few years ago, I found myself in a narcissistic marriage, although at the time, I didn’t know my husband was a narcissist or even know what narcissism was. I blamed myself for years, thinking if I could always be happy, and make him happy that life would be great. I blamed myself, as he was always telling me what I was doing wrong, how I never did anything right, and how I would never be anything.
I started to believe all of this and then developed rheumatoid arthritis in my 20’s from living with constant grief and stress. By then I had three young children to him, and felt like I was trapped.
I am happy to say, my children and I got out. It was challenging, I had no support from family, and few friends left, but I did have a tiny sliver of hope.
I went back to education, learned to be a counsellor, and thought all the hell I had been through, that maybe I could help others get through their own challenges.
Fast forward a few years, I have been with my husband for 25 years, 5 adult children, no arthritis for many years, and loving being able to help other women get through their own trauma and go on to thrive, rather than just survive.
It wasn’t easy, but I have now become the woman, I would have loved to support me, when I was going through my separation.
I look forward to supporting you, so that you can live the life you deserve.
· Graduate Diploma of Counsellling
· Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy
· Certified Practitioner of De Trauma technique
· Adv, Diploma of Community Welfare Work
· Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.